2nd Myanmar Manufacturing Summit 2016
URL: http://www.cmtevents.com/main.aspx?ev=160924&pu=267951
Date: 27-28 September 2016
Venue: Yangon, MYANMAR
Myanmar is a country that poses both unique challenges and hidden gems of opportunities. With mounting infrastructure pressures and formation of the new government, what are the key concerns that manufacturers should look out for? How is the new government streamlining the procedures and applications? How does Myanmar compare to other regional manufacturing hubs such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Bangladesh? What are the competitive cost advantages aside from labor costs?
This year’s Summit focuses on:
- New Government’s Initiatives for Manufacturing in the Next 5 years
- Prioritizing Transport & Infrastructure Development Plans
- Supply Chain & Distribution Challenges
- Enhanced Legal & Regulatory Framework, JVs, Financing and Land Issues
- Progress Status of Thilawa, Dawei & Kyaukpyu SEZ
- Lessons learnt from Local Manufacturers & Foreign Investors
- Addressing Productivity, Labor Costs & Skilled Workforce
You can view more details here: http://www.cmtevents.com/main.aspx?ev=160924&pu=267951
Ms. Grace Oh
Centre for Management Technology
80 Marine Parade Road #13-02, Singapore 449269
Tel: (65) 6346 9147 / 6346 9132, Fax: (65) 6345 5928
Source: CMT