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OTGL (Online Textile-Garments-Leather) is daily basis online News, Directory, Job Corner, Factory Corner, Buy & Sell for Textile, Garment & Leather industry in Bangladesh and Overseas


4th Leathertech Bangladesh 2016 Has Begun


The Inaugural Ceremony of the “4th Leathertech Bangladesh 2016” has been held on 2nd November 2016 at International Convention City, Basundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The show has been organized by ASK Trade & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.

The show has inaugurated by Mr. Tofail Ahmed (M.P Honorable Minister, Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh). He was the Chief Guest and speech is as bellow __________

Mr. Hedayetullah Al Mamoon, NDC (Senior Secretory, Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh) was present as a Special Guest. His speech is as bellow __________

Mr. Md. Saiful Islam (President, Leather goods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB), Bangladesh) was present. His speech is as bellow ________

Mr. Syed Nasim Monzur (Chairman, Centre of Excellence for Leather Skill Bangladesh Ltd – COEL) was present. His speech is as bellow ________

Mr. Mohiuddin Ahmed Mahin (Chairman, Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather goods & Footwear Exporter Association – BFLLFEA) was present. His speech is as bellow ________

Mr. Md. Shaheen Ahamed (Chairman, Bangladesh Tanners Association – BTA) was present. His speech is as bellow ________

Mr. Shakhawat Hossain Belal (President, Bangladesh Paduka Prostutkarak Samity – BPPS) was present. His speech is as bellow ________

Mr. Vipin Seth (President, Indian Footwear Components Manufacturers Association – IFCOMA) was present. His speech is as bellow ________

Mr. Nanda Gopal K (Director, ASK Trade & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd, India) was present as a tradeshow organizer. His welcome speech is as bellow ________

The 4th Leathertech Bangladesh is international technology tradeshow for the leather sector of Bangladesh spread over 3 halls (Hall # 3, 4 and 5) with participation from 15 countries. The expo has showcase widest range of machinery, components, chemicals, accessories & leather, footwear, leather goods.

250 exhibitors have exhibited from Bangladesh, China, India, Turkey, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Italy, Singapore, Japan, Germany, UK, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea. They have showcase machinery for tanning leather, manufacturing footwear and leather goods along with components, dyes & chemicals, accessories and allied products. Also, India and China have two large pavilions at the event.

This tradeshow will remain open 03-05 November 2016 from 11.00am to 7.00pm every day for all.


Source: OTGL