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OTGL (Online Textile-Garments-Leather) is daily basis online News, Directory, Job Corner, Factory Corner, Buy & Sell for Textile, Garment & Leather industry in Bangladesh and Overseas


8th Leathertech 2022

The Inaugural Ceremony of the “8th Leathertech Bangladesh 2022” has been held on 07 December 2022 at the International Convention City, Bashundara (ICCB) , Dhaka, Bangladesh. The show has been organized by ASK Trade & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.

The show has inaugurated by Hon’ble Commerce Minister Mr. Tipu Munshi (MP, Bangladesh Ministry of Commerce) and he was the Chief Guest.

Mr. Syed Nasim Manzur (President of Leather goods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters of Bangladesh – LFMEAB), Mr. Shaheen Ahamed (Chairman of Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA), Mr. Erik IIIig (Managing Committee Member of Indian Footwear Components Manufacturers Association (IFCOMA), Mr. Vipan Kumar Seth (Member Committee of Administration – Council for Leather Exports (CLE), Mr. Nanda Gopal K (Director, ASK Trade & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd) and Mr. Tipu Sultan Bhuiyan (Director, ASK Trade & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd), Journalists, Business leader and other important peoples were present in this Inaugural Ceremony.


Source: OTGL