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OTGL (Online Textile-Garments-Leather) is daily basis online News, Directory, Job Corner, Factory Corner, Buy & Sell for Textile, Garment & Leather industry in Bangladesh and Overseas

Business & Financeslider_category

Affordable Financing Options

From Left Side Mr. Mesbah Rabin, Mr. Syful A Chowdhury, Mr. Ahmed Shaheen and Mr. Kimiwa Sadat
From Left Side Mr. Mesbah Rabin, Mr. Syful A Chowdhury, Mr. Ahmed Shaheen and Mr. Kimiwa Sadat

A panel discussion has been organized as name “Affordable Financing Options” for RMG Industry by ELEVATE on 08th December 2015 at Banga Bandhu Convention Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

It has been presented by Mr. Mesbah Rabin (managing Director, Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, Bangladesh) who was the Moderator.

Panelists were Mr. Ahmed Shaheen (Deputy Managing Director & Chief Business Officer, Prime Bank Limited, Bangladesh), Mr. Syful A Chowdhary (Senior Vice President, United Commercial Bank Limited-UCB, Bangladesh), Mr. Kimiwa Sadat (First Vice President & Unit Head, City Bank Limited, Bangladesh).

It was along with the 3rdInternational Trade Expo for Building and Fire Safety-2015” and NAFFCO, the Alliance for Bangladesh worker safety, the Electronics Security and safety Association of Bangladesh (ESSAB).

Panel Discussion as bellow _____


Source: OTGL

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