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Chemical Safety and Management

Chemical Safety

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology- BUET & CEMS Global were presenting a seminar titled ‘Chemical Safety and Management: Bangladesh Perspective’, on 10 August, 2017 from 11:00 am till 01:00 pm, at seminar hall of ICCB.

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, primarily driven by its industrial sector namely textile, leather, and pharmaceutical. Currently, the country stands as the second largest exporter of readymade garments (RMG) in the world, with a global market share of about five percent. With rapid industrial advancement, the sector is now faced with a growing demand for chemicals. About seventy percent of Bangladesh’s chemical demand is met by imports, thus leaving a high potential for the growth of the local chemical industry.

It is anticipated that in the upcoming years, the chemical demand will continue to rise along with the steady industrial growth. However, the recent rise in chemical accidents in the country shows a strong need of improved safety culture in chemical production, purchase, storage, transportation, and disposal. Therefore, it is important to develop standards and practices of chemical safety and management to ensure safer environment and sustainable growth of the industrial sector.

This will create a paradigm shift in the use of safer chemicals in the apparel industry, and open new business opportunities for chemical manufacturers and suppliers. The seminar titled Chemical Safety and Management: Bangladesh Perspective’ aims to explore opportunities in manufacturing and supplying eco-friendly dye-chem, and to promote safe business practices to ensure a cleaner environment and safer working conditions.

In this forum, the honorable distinguished speakers were-

  • Faruque Hassan Senior Vice President, BGMEA
  • Syeda Sultana Razia, Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET
  • Abul Basher Miah, Ex-Acting President, Bangladesh Chemical Association
  • Md. Sultan Salahuddin, DGM & Factory Head, ACI Formulation, Bangladesh
  • Easir Arafat Khan, Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET
  • Mohidus Samad Khan, Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET
  • Ahmed Javed Jamal, Head of Technical Operations & Marketing, Silk flex.


Source:  CEMS Global