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DCCI Calls for More Chinese Investment


A Chinese delegation from Chenggong, Kunming, China led by Mr. Li Ronghua, Executive Deputy Director, Chenggong New District Administrative Committee,Kunming called upon members of the Board of Directors of DCCI on 22nd September 2016.

Welcoming the delegation DCCI Vice President K. Atique-e-Rabbani, FCA invited the Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Bangladesh especially in the agriculture and ICT sector. He said Bangladeshi ICT sector is a thrust sector and the young entrepreneurs are very enthusiastic and innovative here. Bangladesh is doing well in software industries, he added. Chinese entrepreneurs can collaborate with Bangladeshi IT professionals as joint ventures in order to share technology. He also said that direct rail and road link (BCIM) with Kunming as well main land of China would reap good result in terms of business.

Li Ronghua said Bangladesh has huge fertile and plain land which is potential for agriculture. He said Chinese entrepreneurs are interested to invest in agro-based industry in Bangladesh. He said Kunming is rich in agriculture and flower cultivation. He said Bangladesh can import more flower from Kunming. He said in Kunming there is an industrial zone especially for micro industries where Bangladeshi SMEs can invest. He requested to send delegation from Bangladesh to explore new business opportunities in China.

DCCI Directors AKD Khair Mohammad Khan, Asif A Chowdhury, Md. Aladuddin Malik, Ryiadh Hossain and Secretary General AHM Rezaul Kabir were also present during the meeting.

Source:  DCCI

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