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Eco-Friendly Pulp and Paper


Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and USAID’s Agricultural Value Chains (AVC) Project have jointly organized a seminar on 13 May 2017 at DCCI auditorium, Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The name of the seminar was “Eco-Friendly Pulp and Paper Processing from Jute”

Mr. Mirza Azam (MP, Hon’ble State Minister, Ministry of Textile & Jute Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh) was present as a chief guest and Mr. Md. Fazle Wahid Khondaker (Additional Secretary-research Wing, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh) was as a special guest. Also, Dr. Md. Monjurul Alam (Director General, BGMC),  Mr. Rashedul Karim Munna (Convener, SME Standing Committee, DCCI), Mr. Babul Chandra Roy (Former Joint Secretary & Director, BJMC), Dr. Asaduzzaman (Director-Technical, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute – BJRI), Mr. Abul Kashem Khan (President, Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry – DCCI), Mr. Kamrul Islam FCA (Senior Vice President, Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry – DCCI) and others have taken part in the discussion.

Mr. Abul Kashem Khan recommendation some point which are:
1) It was not long ago that Bangladesh’s foremost foreign earner was jute. The entire economic activity of Bangladesh resolved around jute known as the “Golden Fiber”.
2) It into it as the “Golden Paper” through using green jute for pulp and paper.
3) Need to create the revival of jute through innovation and diversification.
4) in order to save and improve our climate, we need to protect our environment through use of eco-friendly products like green jute base pulp and paper.
5) Policy support with right incentives are required-diversified jute based products.
6) Government can also come forward with a buy-back arrangement with production units which will be based on green jute.

Dr. Asaduzzaman presentation some point in his Keynote speech which are:
1) Chemical Composition of jute Fibre and Sticks
2) Production Process of Pulp from green Jute
3) Country wise world Production of Jute fibres
4) Advantage and Problem of the kraft process
5) Experimental Procedure and Results
6) Viscose Rayon from Green Jute’s Pulp
7) Purification of cellulose
8) Ageing Process, Shredding/Cutting Process, Dissolving/Mixing Process, Spinning Process, Ripening Process.

Mr. Abul Kashem Khan welcome speech as bellow_______

Dr. Asaduzzaman Keynote Presentation as bellow_______

Mr. Babul Chandra Roy speech as bellow_______

Mr. Rashedul Karim Munna speech as bellow_______

Dr. Md. Monjurul Alam speech as bellow_______

Audience Question as bellow_______

Mr. Md. Fazle Wahid Khondaker speech as bellow_______

Mr. Mirza Azam speech as bellow_______

Mr. Kamrul Islam FCA speech as bellow_______

Source: OTGL