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Exhibition Premiere with Machinery Show

The HKS 2-SE machine to be presented by KARL MAYER at FEBRATEX 2016
The HKS 2-SE machine to be presented by KARL MAYER at FEBRATEX 2016

With its super-fast HKS 2-SE elastic machine and with its warp preparation units KARL MAYER sets new trends at FEBRATEX, 09. – 12.08.2016, Vila Germanica Park / PROEB Rua Alberto Stein, 199, Blumenau

Brazil, beach fun and beachwear are three catchwords of the holiday genre which necessarily belong together. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that KARL MAYER will be displaying a tricot machine for producing elastic lockknit during its next trade-fair appearance with machinery show in this sunny country! At FEBRATEX to be held from 9. to 12. August 2016 in Blumenau, the global player will be showcasing its new HKS 2-SE. Exhibition venue will be the Stand with the numbers 31/33, streets 4, 5 and 6, in Sector 1 of the exhibition hall with the address Vila Germanica Park / PROEB Rua Alberto Stein, 199. The exhibition machine will be working in a gauge of E 32 which is quite common for Latin America. This machine is predestined for applications in the lingerie, outerwear, swimwear and sportswear sections.

KARL MAYER’s main aim of showing this innovative high-performance tricot machine on the stand of its representative, Mayer do Brasil Máquinas Têxteis Ltda., is to win new customers. „Many large circular knitting and weaving mills are located in the region around Blumenau. We want to convince the numerous textile producers of the advantages offered by warp knitting“, explained Nelson Da Cruz. The arguments for the Sales Manager‘s mission are provided by the HKS 2-SE: This machine reaches a top speed of 4,400 min-1 and offers highest quality at the same time. The basis for the outstanding precision are integrated online monitoring systems (supplied as standard machine equipment) and the optimized control platform KAMCOS® 2, which also ensures a further simplified user guidance. Based on this top performance Nelson Da Cruz expects great interest in KARL MAYER’s innovative machine during FEBRATEX. He assumes that it will rather be a national trade fair which, nonetheless, is very important for KARL MAYER. On one of the four days of the event representatives of the Top Management will be at the stand in order to welcome the guests.

KARL MAYER’s Business Unit Warp Preparation can be found on the Stand of TenTEX do Brasil Ltda. The visitors will have the opportunity to get informed about the wide product range of warp preparation units for weaving, at the same time gaining insight into the manifold fields of application. Dieter Gager, Vice President Sales, hopes for special interest in the solutions for the denim business. „In principle, denim is an important market for us and it is well established in Brazil.“




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