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OTGL (Online Textile-Garments-Leather) is daily basis online News, Directory, Job Corner, Factory Corner, Buy & Sell for Textile, Garment & Leather industry in Bangladesh and Overseas


Global Market Drivers and Key Directions for the Cotton Industry


A panel discussion has been joint organized name as “Global Market Drivers and Key Directions for the Cotton Industry” by Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA), Bangladesh and IBC Asia (S) Pet Ltd, Singapore on 28 April 2016 at The Westin Hotel, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

It was based on “Global Cotton Trends” and the topics was as bellow __________

  • International trade policies and their impact on global cotton trade
  • Global cotton market environment and trade opportunities
  • Creating strategic value chains and partnership options across the cotton and textile industry
  • Managing trade risk across key markets

Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam (Joint Director-Banking Regulations and Policy Department, The Central Bank of Bangladesh) was the Chairman in the panel discussion.

Mr. Manish Daga (Managing Director, Cotton Guru, India) was present as Moderator.

Mr. Deepak Agrawal (Chief Operating Officer, Agrocorp International Pte Ltd, Singapore), Mr. Sandeep Hota (Senior Vice President-Cotton Division, Olam International Limited, Singapore), Mr. Pathik Patel (Director, Basil Commodities Pvt. Ltd, India) and Dr. Thomas Reinhart (Member of Board, Reinhart- Beijing Trading Co., Ltd, China) were present as panelists.

It was along with the World Cotton Outlook- Summit-2016.


Source: OTGL

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