Groz-Beckert Among the top 3 for the Renowned “RISE Durable Product Award”
Albstadt, Germany / New Orleans, USA: From 25 to 28 January 2016 the international RISE (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics Conference) took place in New Orleans, USA. It is organized by the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA) and provides the annual stage to present the prestigious RISE Durable Product Award. Products by Groz-Beckert, ITW Dynatec and Suominen made it to the finals.
The “RISE Durable Product Award” recognizes innovations in the sector of nonwoven production. The nominees were the GEBECON® felting needle by Groz-Beckert, the Ultra Strand Coating System by ITW Dynatec and Fibrella Lite by Suominen. The prize was awarded to Suominen.
Groz-Beckert’s GEBECON® felting needle for the production of nonwovens, that was among the three finalists, is characterized by an increased stability in comparison to conventional standard felting needles, coupled with high needle flexibility. In the needling process it ensures a uniform fiber compaction, reduces the risk of needle breakage, and guarantees controlled draft even at extremely high production speeds. With its intermediate-reduced working part, the felting needle meets the requirements for a wide range of applications with coarse and fine gauges.
Typical application fields of the GEBECON® needle are the production of synthetic leather, the needling of high-tenacity fibers like aramid fibers with high elasticity modulus as well as high-speed and waste-fiber needling with optimized fiber transport.
Source: Groz-Beckert