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How to attract investment in BEZA for establishment of export –oriented industries

P-EPB-15 November 2015

A seminar has been organized on “How to attract investment in BEZA for establishment of export–oriented industries” by Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Bangladesh in EPB conference hall Dhaka.

Mr. Abdul Moin (Director Policy and Planning Division, EPB, Dhaka) has given well-come speech. Ms. Mafruha sultana (Acting Vice Chairman, EPB) has given inaugurating speech and declared inauguration.

Mr. Ariful Haq (Assistant Director of Investment Board, Dhaka) was the key note speaker and has presented power point presentation. In his presentation he has shown and discussed some points to attract the investment of local and abroad. The point that he has shown

  • Faster growth of industry in Bangladesh
  • Developing infrastructure
  • Investment Climate of Bangladesh
  • Investment Performance
  • Strong local market and growth
  • Competitive utility cost
  • Bangladesh Export processing Zone
  • Economic zones.

These points are very important to increase investment of a country. There was an open discussion and giving answer the question of audience part too.

Ms. Mafruha Sultana (Acting Vice Chairman, EPB, Dhaka) has given the closing speech.

For more details please visit

Source: OTGL