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Business & Finance

Launching Ceremony of Bangladesh INSPIRED Project, BGAPMEA

Bangladesh INSPIRED Project, BGAPMEA-P


Bangladesh Garments Accessories and Packaging Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA) organized the opening of Bangladesh INSPIRED program on 17th May, 2014 Saturday 4.00pm at Ikebana, Lakeshore Hotel Dhaka, Bangladesh.


The honorable chief guest Mr. M.A. Mannan, M.P. (State Minister for Finance and Planing) open the Program and special guests Mr. Md. Farhad Uddin (Project Director, Bangladesh INSPIRED and Additional Secretary, Ministry of Industries), Mr. Salahuddin Mahmud (Director General, Additional Secretary, Export Promotion Bureau), Mr. Phillipe Jacques (First Counsellor, Head of Co-operation, Delegation of the European Union to Bangladesh), Mr. Abdus Salam Murshedy (President, Exporters Association of Bangladesh) were present there. Mr. Rafez Alam Chgowdhury, Prtesident of BGAPMEA Chaired the program.


Chief guest Mr. M.A. Mannan said that with this donation the members of BGAPMEA will play important role to develop manpower by Capacity Building and it will reduce poverty. I hope by receiving donation opportunity BGAPMEA will develop their official’s skill and I announce the opening of this program.

By this donation BGAPMEA will develop their official’s skill and product quality will be good. Also it will get opportunity to compete in this business world said special guests.


Hon’ble President said in his speech that Bangladesh INSPIRED program agreement was done by 22nd November 2013 with Ministry of Industries and EU. The goal of this project is poverty reduction and making employment. He said there are more than 1200 industries in this sector and these industries supply their products to export oriented industries by back to back L/C system. Now we are producing accessories and packaging product our self. I request to govt. to hand over the Utilization Permission and Easy Import to BGAPMEA to reduce UP and Import problems.



Source: Punarbhaba Media