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Potential Savings of 21 Percent of Energy Cost


DCCI seminar highlights potential savings of 21 percent of energy cost through Energy Efficiency.

Findings from Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) financed energy project show that Bangladeshi companies can adopt energy efficiency measures and save 16 percent of energy consumption, 21 per cent of energy costs and lower their Co2 emission by 18 per cent.  The facts were revealed at a seminar titled “Bangladesh-A great potential for energy efficient industry” jointly organized by The Energy Efficient Engagement (3e) Programme of DANIDA and Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) in collaboration with Nordic Chamber of Commerce & Industry (NCCI) at Hotel Six Season, Gulshan, Dhaka.

Senior Secretary of Ministry of Industries, Government of Bangladesh Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuyian, ndc was present as the Chief Guest while Ambassador of Denmark in Bangladesh Mikael Hemnity Winther was present as special guest.

In his address of welcome DCCI President Hossain Khaled said Bangladesh has got scarcity of primary energy against its compound need in multiple utility exclusively Textile, RMG, Metal, Cement, Plastic good, Ceramic, Fertilizer and Power generation industries. Energy Efficiency helps businesses to be more competitive encouraging optimum cost of doing business and energy security.In order to promote energy efficiency in industrial practice, a comprehensive and long term national strategy for achieving efficient use of energy in energy-intensive industries needs to be designed along with gradual enforcement.He said, we believe recognizing energy efficiency would make a breakthrough and paradigm shift in creating sustainable and competitive industrial climate.

President of Nordic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) Shamim Ul Huqin his opening remarks highlighted the importance of energy efficiency in ensuring sustainability and profitability of business. He said energy efficiency helps achieving sustainable development and cost reduction in industries. He said Bangladesh targeted $50 billion export of RMG by the year 2021, if we ensure energy efficiency in our RMG factories we will be able to get more benefit out of it.

Senior Secretary of Ministry of Industries Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuyian, ndc said energy efficiency engagement help reduce Co2 emission from industry. It will support the sustainable and economic development of Bangladesh. He said gas is not unlimited for us and if we do not find any new gas field, we will have to experience scarcity of gas in the long run. He said 15-17% per cent gas is being used for household cooking as domestic consumption. He pointed out that if we use LPG for our domestic uses, we can provide this 15-17 per cent gas into industries. He said for energy efficiency in business, we have to outsource energy efficient capital machineries and equipments. He urged Denmark and DANIDA to share their expertise and technology in the field of energy efficiency with Bangladeshi entrepreneurs. Moreover he called upon the Danish expertise to conduct trainings for our industrialists.

Ambassador of Denmark in Bangladesh Mikael Hemniti Winther underscored the importance of the leadership role the industry players should take to ensure green growth in the country. He said in terms of energy efficiency, Denmark can share its own technology with Bangladesh. He said Bangladesh is hovering to be a middle-income country within 7-8 years, so huge energy is needed for the industry in future. He said Bangladesh is good to adopt new technology.

Referring to the remarkable success of Denmark, the Ambassador said ”The Danish experience shows that adopting policies to enhance energy efficiency can at the same time lead to sustained economic growth and safeguarding the environment”.

Senior Adviser of DANIDA Stephen Skare Enevoldsenin his keynote presentation disclosed that something is more energy efficient if it delivers more services for the same energy output. He said installing LED technology and installing exhaust gas boilers have great potential for energy efficiency. He also pointed out energy efficiency in business reduces Co2 emission, decrease energy intensity and support sustainable and economic development.

Commercial Counselor of Royal Danish Embassy Soren Robenhagen in his presentation highlighted Denmark as a perfect case for green growth and described how Denmark became a ‘green growth’ leader and it is an experience which Denmark is eager to share with Bangladesh to support its future sustainable growth.

DCCI’s former President R Maksud Khan, Senior Vice President Humayun Rashid, Vice President K. Atique-e-Rabbani, FCA, Director Salim Akhtar Khan, former Director Data Magfur former and Vice President Md. Shoaib Chowdhury took part in the open discussion session.

DCCI Director S Rumi Saifullah gave vote of thanks. DCCI’s former Senior Vice President Haider Ahmed Khan, FCA, former vice presidents Absar Karim Chowdhury, Kh. Shahidul Islam and Secretary General AHM Rezaul Kabir also took part in the seminar.


Source:  DCCI