Remediation Progress

Mr. Ian Spaulding, Mr. Brad Loewen, Mr. Maurice Brooks and Mr. Rabin Mesbah

Mr. Ian Spaulding, Mr. Brad Loewen, Mr. Maurice Brooks and Mr. Rabin Mesbah

A panel discussion has been organized as name “Remediation Progress” for RMG Industry by ELEVATE on 09th December 2015 at Banga Bandhu Convention Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

It has been presented by Mr. Ian Spaulding (President  & Chief Executive Officer, ELEVATE, China) who was the Moderator. Mr. Ian Spaulding speech as bellow _____

Panelists were Mr. Rabin Mesbah (Managing Director, Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, Bangladesh), Mr. Brad Loewen (Chief safety Inspector, Stichting Bangladesh Accord Foundation, Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh), Mr. Maurice Brooks (ILO).

It was along with the 3rdInternational Trade Expo for Building and Fire Safety-2015” and NAFFCO, the Alliance for Bangladesh worker safety, the Electronics Security and safety Association of Bangladesh (ESSAB).

Mr. Rabin Mesbah speech as bellow _____

Mr. Brad Loewen speech as bellow _____

Mr. Maurice Brooks speech as bellow _____

Question and Answer as bellow _____


Source: OTGL