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Rieter Award arouses great Interest in Turkey

During an official ceremony, the Rieter Award was presented to Ms Çiğdem Çalışkanel from Kayseri (Turkey). The student was recognised for her outstanding achievements with her Master’s thesis submitted at the Erciyes University.


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Left to right: Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Gazi Örtlek, Prof. Dr. Kazım Keşlioğlu, Prof. Dr. Erhan Kirtay, Rieter Award Winner Çiğdem Çalışkanel, Rieter Sales Engineer Patrick Flamm


Presentation of the prize, a Swiss mountain crystal and the Award Certificate, took place in March 2014 at the prizewinner’s home university. In the presence of the Rieter Sales Manager and local media representatives, the prizewinner was honoured and given entry to the Rieter Award Club. The Award also includes an invitation for a one-week visit to Switzerland with four additional prizewinners, as an opportunity to get to know Rieter and Switzerland.

In her speech of thanks, Çiğdem Çalışkanel expressed the wish for an intensified cooperation between Rieter and the Erciyes University. She urged students of coming generations to utilise the possibilities of the global network. This generates chances which can be exploited in a future-oriented and profitable way.

Rieter Award – an international distinction for future experts

Since 1989, the Rieter Award has been bestowed annually on the best textile students worldwide who have excelled themselves during their studies and in particular in their final thesis.
The Rieter Award creates the platform for a global communication between students, universities, research institutes and Rieter. Furthermore, Rieter supports higher educational institutions and textile training establishments in their commitment to promoting young people in their professional textile training.



Source: Rieter

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