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Step Up Launched for CSR & Productivity Improvements in RMG Sector


A project titled ‘Step Up’ was launched in Dhaka on October 1 to improve productivity and CSR practices in the RMG industry of Bangladesh.
The Danish textile and fashion employer associations – Dansk Fashion & Textile (Lead), Danish Chamber of Commerce / WEAR and Danish Fashion Institute – in cooperation with the BGMEA will run the project which is financed by Danish development agency DANIDA.
In his address in the launching ceremony, BGMEA President Md. Siddiqur Rahman thanked The Danish textile and fashion employer associations and DANIDA for initiating the project for the apparel industry of Bangladesh.
He hoped that the Step Up project will play an important role in improving productivity, and social and environmental activities in the garment factories.
Morten Lehmann, Head of CSR at Confederation of Danish Enterprise, gave the welcome speech at the program.
Faruque Hassan, Senior Vice President, BGMEA; Mohammed Nasir, Vice President (Finance), BGMEA; Jakob Haugaard, Charge d’affaires at Danish Embassy; Pia Odgaard, Head of CSR at Dansk Fashion and Textile; Sofie Pedersen, Step Up Project Manager at Dansk Fashion and Textile; Thomas Klausen of Dansk Fashion and Textile; and Shahamin Zaman, CEO at CSR Centre, among others, attended the project launching ceremony.

Source:  BGMEA

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