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A Strong Textile Solution for The Environment

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Stretch warp knits made from TENCEL® yarn are making their way onto the market – with LE Textile.

Sustainable textile products are becoming more and more important, as illustrated by the business growth achieved by eco-conscious manufacturers. For some time now, environmentally aware manufacturers have frequently been concentrating on products having a green label, but are only just discovering that their use is paying off. And this has also been the experience of LE Textile GmbH. Since as early as 2006, this company has been developing a knitted fabric made from ecologically grown cotton, and has incorporated the elastomer, Dorlastan® V550, to give the fabric elasticity. Later, in 2014, the company replaced eco-cotton with Lenzing’s TENCEL® fibres, and perfected the processing sequences. Lyocell fibre is based on wood, a raw material that does not have the ecological disadvantages of fibres made from agricultural crops.

TENCEL® is making inroads into the lingerie sector

LE Textile GmbH is a pioneer in the production of stretch warp-knitted textiles made from TENCEL® yarns. This innovative company recently exhibited its range of smooth products and lace goods at Interfilière 2016 in Lyon, and had many conversations there on the subject of environmentally friendly textiles. “TENCEL® is really a hot topic right now,” explained Reiner Luckhardt when commenting on the fabric fair in Lyon. According to the Sales Director of LE Textile, the fabrics produced by his company have already been very well received by clothing manufacturers. And the lingerie sector is now also following suit. Most of the queries came from Germany and northern Europe. There, consumer behaviour is being increasingly determined by a generation of middle classes, who have grown up with the concept of environmental protection, Reiner Luckhardt went on to say. LE Textile, among others, was showing that ecology does not necessarily have to mean dull and boring  – by offering a sportswear collection made from TENCEL® warp knits, featuring an attractive orange/anthracite colour combination.

Alongside the fashion sector, manufacturers of medical textiles are becoming increasingly interested in stretch TENCEL® fabrics. The reason for this is their unique wear comfort. The fabric is softer than silk, cooler than linen and keeps dry longer than cotton – as tests carried out by the company itself and German institutes have shown. These characteristics are particularly important for patients suffering from neurodermatitis. “We have had good experiences with our fabrics for people with skin disorders,” confirmed Reiner Luckhardt.