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Trainees Awarded Certificates Under Step Up Project


Trainees who received training on “Corporate Social Responsibility” under Step-Up project were handed over certificates at a program on 10 November. BGMEA Vice President (Finance) Mohammed Nasir handed over the certificates among 11 trainees.
BGMEA Director Md. Munir Hossain, Step-Up Project Manager from Danish Fashion and Textile Sofie Pedersen, Head of CSR from Danish Fashion and Textile Pia Odgaard, and CEO, Sociability and trainer of this Certificate Course Elizabeth Boye were present at the certificate awarding ceremony.
The Step-Up project was launched to improve productivity and CSR practices in the RMG industry of Bangladesh. The Danish textile and fashion employer associations – Dansk Fashion & Textile (Lead), Danish Chamber of Commerce / WEAR and Danish Fashion Institute – in cooperation with the BGMEA are running the project which is financed by Danish development agency DANIDA.


Source:  BGMEA