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OTGL (Online Textile-Garments-Leather) is daily basis online News, Directory, Job Corner, Factory Corner, Buy & Sell for Textile, Garment & Leather industry in Bangladesh and Overseas


Workplace safety and other compliance issues related to RMG industry


A seminar has been organized “Workplace safety and other compliance issues related to RMG industry” by Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) on 02 November 2015 at EPB Conference Hall, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Mr. Abdul Moin (Director Policy and Planning Division, EPB, Dhaka) has given well-come speech Mr. Shuvashis Bashu (Vice Chairman, EPB, Dhaka) has given Inaugurating speech and declared inauguration.

Mr. Munsur Khaled (Senior Additional Secretary, BGMEA, Dhaka) has given power point presentation. In his presentation he had shown and discussed about different kinds of safety and compliance like Occupation Safety and health (OCH), Fire Safety, Chemical Hazard, Building Safety etc. in Readymade Garments Industries (RMG).  It is essential for RMG sector by ensuring this safety matter for European Union and USA buyers. They have warned that they will go another country if Bangladesh fails to ensure safety and compliance issues. There was an open discussion with Question and Answer giving part too.

Dr. A F M Manzur Kadir (Additional Secretary), Director General Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Ministry of Commerce has given the closing speech.

Mr. Shuvashis Bashu details speech as bellow _______

Mr. Munsur Khaled details speech “part-1” as bellow _______

Mr. Munsur Khaled details speech “part-2” as bellow _______

Mr. Munsur Khaled details speech “part-3” as bellow _______


Source: OTGL