PreciFX: an innovation catches on

When the digital displacement technology PreciFX was unveiled at ITMA 2007 in Munich, it was regarded as a consummate technical and technological highlight. Only acknowledged technology experts had any inkling at the time of the broad potential of this revolutionary innovation. Working with selected customers, Schlafhorst developed a large number of new, more efficient package formats in the years following that are only possible with PreciFX. In 2011 the company commenced global marketing of the groundbreaking technology. PreciFX is now the only tried and tested drumless yarn displacement system for bobbin processing that is established worldwide, with 15,000 winding units installed.

Perfect packages for any process – no need to tolerate compromise

PreciFX has overcome limits to which the industry had become accustomed. The mechanically fixed groove geometry, the familiar displacement and traverse width of drum winding and the random wind with its known limitations resulted in compromises that were accepted as a given for all package formats. With PreciFX, these problems are consigned to history. By the use of pattern-free random winding, precision winding or stepped precision winding, the system enables individual package designs to be produced without any compromise being required. Completely new package formats are possible, such as biconical hard packages or dye packages with round flanks – perfection at the touch of a button, flexibility without limits and significantly reduced hardware handling with one system.

Economic advantages for sales spinners and integrated textile companies

“The package is the decisive interface in the textile process between the spinning mill, dye shop, warping department, doubling mill and weaving mill,” says Klaus Kamphausen, Schlafhorst technology manager. “The package build directly affects the productivity and efficiency of downstream process stages. PreciFX permits optimization in every direction. Sales spinning mills can cover a much wider spectrum of orders on competitive terms. Vertically integrated companies can make their processes more efficient and optimize them.”

The fact that PreciFX has become established in the market so quickly is due to the advantages offered by the system. These are the result of a close innovation partnership. Between 2007 and 2011, Schlafhorst optimized processes between the spinning mill and downstream processing in a targeted manner in collaboration with selected customers.

PreciFX winding recipes offer security – a competitive edge at the touch of a button

 “PreciFX incorporates all of our textile-technological know-how regarding the package,” says Klaus Kamphausen. “Together with our customers we have developed and perfected package formats with PreciFX that lead to huge leaps in efficiency in downstream processing. These formats are saved in PreciFX as winding recipes that can be retrieved instantly.” The efficiency advantage extends to the elimination of entire process steps, such as the edging of dye packages, for example. This is simply no longer necessary with PreciFX. In being able to manufacture innovative package formats reliably and reproducibly at the touch of a button, PreciFX customers enjoy an inestimable competitive edge. The customer’s own recipes can also be stored and are likewise directly retrievable. Any operator can reproduce any package format perfectly.

New dye packages customized for each method

The various methods of dyeing make entirely different demands on the package build. These can be highly individual depending on the dyeing process and system. This is where the flexibility of PreciFX can be shown to best advantage. The innovative yarn displacement system can coordinate the inner structure and the outer shape of the dye package optimally to the requirements of the dye shop.

A pattern-free package build guarantees the best dyeing results. The package density and the softness of the flanks can be matched individually and entirely uniformly to the dyeing process thanks to central setting of the contact pressure, free selection of the wind and targeted yarn placement among other things. Dynamic adjustment of the angle of displacement during the package travel serves to optimize the package density, especially for elastic materials. The round package flanks, the unmistakable trademark of a PreciFX package, render mechanical edge breaking superfluous and thus eliminate an entire process stage while retaining the excellent package quality. And finally, the displacement width can be adapted individually depending on the tube geometry to prevent “open holes” and uneven dyeing.

The advantages are obvious. An optimal package build increases the reliability of the dyeing process; the elimination of process stages increases economic efficiency.

PreciFX also improves the productivity of the winding process itself. The optimal coordination of the number of groove turns, yarn tension reduction and increase in winding speed results in a productivity increase of up to 20% in the production of dye packages compared with drum winding.


Fig 1 PreciFX_Dye packages - P

New dye packages customized for each method

Highly economical new package formats for warping, weaving, knitting and doubling

Schlafhorst’s textile technologists have also developed novel hard packages together with their customers. New, larger package formats have been created, which guarantee uninterrupted unwinding behaviour without yarn breaks at maximum take-up speeds. Thanks to the higher packing density they also contain a much greater yarn length with the same diameter. Biconicity can also be activated as required to improve the unwinding behaviour of large package diameters by shortening the traverse.

A unique characteristic of PreciFX is its filling function, which “tops up” the outer area of tapered packages with an additional quantity of yarn while guaranteeing superb unwinding properties. The package contents are thereby augmented by around 10%.

For elastic materials PreciFX can build completely straight package flanks. Due to this dimensional stability, packages can now be realized with a larger diameter or with an increased packing density for the same diameter.

Fig 2 PreciFX_Hard packages - P

Highly economical new package formats for warping, weaving, knitting and doubling

Lower logistics and handling costs

 By optimizing the package design, PreciFX increases the weight of packages by 10 to 20% while retaining the same diameter. This makes it an effective cost brake for sales spinning mills with a high outlay on logistics, because more yarn on the package means a greater net weight in storage and transport, as less air and packaging have to be transported. The number of tubes, boxes, pallets and containers needed is reduced.

The amount of handling necessary for customers of the spinning mills is also reduced, because less frequent package changes are required in knitting, warping and weaving mills.

Tried and tested universal system

PreciFX is the only reliable universal system for the production of packages that has been proven in practice for years. With just one functional principle it offers a choice between three displacement technologies: pattern-free random wind, precision winding and stepped precision winding. Of all displacement systems PreciFX has the best ratio between displacement frequency and angle of wind range and thus offers the greatest potential for increasing productivity. It is suitable for all applications in staple fiber spinning, for all count ranges, for single and plied yarns, S- and Z-twist yarns, for every ring yarn, airjet yarn and OE yarn, for pure cotton yarns, for wool yarns, for polyester, viscose and blended yarns, for all package formats from 3“ to 6”, for cylindrical and tapered packages and for special formats.

Alluring prospects for the future

Thanks to its flexibility, PreciFX is geared to the future and is ready even now for requirements that will only be conceived tomorrow. “PreciFX is a groundbreaking innovation,” explains Schlafhorst’s technology manager, “because for the first time in history, warping, weaving, knitting and doubling mills can define what the ideal package for their purposes looks like. They can virtually reinvent the package. PreciFX produces it at the touch of a button.” Ultimately no spinning mill will be able to manage without PreciFX. But even now spinning mills are using the system to set themselves apart successfully from the competition. “PreciFX is more than a new technical procedure,” stresses Klaus Kamphausen. “It is concentrated textile know-how that is available to customers simply by pressing a button.”.«


Source: Schlafhorst